The greex editor - setup phase 3

After creating the new Java™ project, run the Greex Model wizard on top of the new Java project that you created.

About this task

The Greex Model wizard creates an empty *.greex file. You can create an advanced XML condition or Greex rule in the *.greex file.

To run the Greex Model wizard:


  1. Start Eclipse SDK.
  2. From the menu bar, select Window > Show View > Navigator.
    The Java project displays in the Navigator view.
  3. Expand the Java project that you created.
  4. Right-click on the folder where you want to store the *.greex file and select New > Other from the pop-up menu.
    The New window displays.
  5. From the list of wizards, select Rich Client Platform Wizards > Rich Client Platform Greex Model.
  6. Click Next.
    The New window ("Enter or select the parent folder:" ) displays.
  7. In File name, enter the name of the *.greex file.
  8. Click Next.
    The Greex Model window displays.
  9. For Model Object, select Greex Rule.
  10. In XML Encoding, select UTF-8.
  11. Click Finish.
    The *.greex file is created in the specified folder.