Choosing the enterprise for a third-party logistics company
As described in the previous example, this depends at what level you want to control the business rule definition, order fulfillment process definition and user privileges.
3PL defines and maintains business rules and order fulfillment processes for orders of its clients. So, defining only 3PL as the Enterprise can be the desirable option. But, ABC and XYZ need visibility and certain order modification permissions on their orders. Also, ABC and XYZ may want to create and maintain their users. This means, ABC and XYZ also need certain enterprise-level capabilities. So, defining 3PL, ABC, and XYZ all as enterprises is the more appropriate option. But with this option, 3PL needs to restrict permissions for ABC and XYZ so that they do not have the ability to define and maintain order fulfillment processes.
If ABC or XYZ does not want certain users (for example, customer service representatives) of its one sales organization to have the visibility of orders of its other sales organization, then each sales organization can also be assigned the Enterprise role with restricted privileges.