Customizing existing applications

You can start with any of the existing Order Hub applications, and then customize the modules within the application. For example, you can customize the Order search results page to retrieve more data from the IBM Sterling® Order Management System API and display the data in an existing table.

Customizing an existing module

  1. Make sure that you extracted the Order Hub code. For more information, see Getting started with customizing Order Hub.
  2. Open a terminal and go to the Order Hub code directory.
    • The default location is devtoolkit_docker/orderhub-code.
  3. Go to the module that you want to customize. For example, if you want to update the order module, then go to the buc-app-order folder:
    cd devtoolkit_docker/orderhub-code/buc-app-order
    Table 1. Mapping between Order Hub menu item and folder name in the toolkit
    Menu in Order Hub Module/folder name Port



    Settings > Alert rules

    buc-app-workspace 8900
    Nodes and capacity buc-app-node 8200


    buc-app-order 8300
    Inventory buc-app-inventory 8600

    Promise and Fulfill

    buc-app-fulfillment 9000
    Exceptions buc-app-exception 9100
    Settings > Display settings

    Settings > User roles

    Settings > Customization

    Settings > About

    Configuration > Distribution groups

    buc-app-settings 8400
    Configurations > Nodes

    Configurations > Carriers

    Configurations > Custom attributes

    Configurations > Tenant

    buc-app-configurations 9200
  4. Run the following command to set strict-ssl to false.
    yarn config set "strict-ssl" false
  5. If you updated the developer toolkit environment with a new version, run the following command to ensure that you get the latest version of all open source and library dependencies.
    yarn cache clean
  6. Run the following command to install all the dependencies for the module.
    yarn install --update-checksums
    If you encounter an error similar to the follow message, then you can safely ignore the error. These errors do not affect the icons that are used by Order Hub.
    Error: Failed to compile entry-point @carbon/icons-angular/
  7. Open the overrides.json file at the root of the module/folder. For example, devtoolkit_docker/buc-app-order/overrides.json.
  8. Update the routes for the pages that you are customizing by setting runAsCustomization to true. For example, if you wanted to edit the Order search page, set order-search to true.
        "order-search": {
          "runAsCustomization": true
  9. Start the server.
    yarn start-app
    It can take several minutes to compile and start the application.
    Note: You see the following message.
    "** Angular Live Development Server is listening on bucgenerichost:<port>, 
    open your browser on https://localhost:<port>/<module>/<route> **"
    You can ignore this message.
    Note: If you encounter an error similar to the following message, increase the heap size before you start the new application.
    Error command failed with exist code 134.
    lerna ERR! yarn run start .... exited 134
    Run the following command and then start the new application.
    • Windows CMD prompt:
      SET NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8048
    • Bash/Git Bash:
      export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8048
    • Powershell:
    Note: If you need to stop the server, stop the server job and run the yarn stop-app command to verify that everything is stopped properly.
    Note: Only start the servers for the modules that you are customizing. Whenever you customize a module, you need to run yarn start-app in the respective module directory to view the customized the pages within the module.
  10. You are now ready to customize.
    Customize existing pages that are provided by IBM. Order Hub supports the following levels of customization when it comes to adding functionality to existing pages:
    • Customization by configuration
    • Customization by code
      • Differential customization
      • Customization by overrides

    For more information, see Customizing next-generation Order Hub.

    Or, go through the tutorials:
  11. After customizing the module, you can test the customizations in Order Hub.