Initial calculations of date ranges

There are several criteria for calculating the initial date ranges for ASAP and future orders.

The initial date ranges are calculated based on the following criteria:

  • ASAP orders
    • Lower boundary of the ship date is set as current time
    • Upper boundary of the ship date is set to the cancel date if specified. If not specified, it is set as current time + "Allowed shipment delay window", a parameter setup in the scheduling rules.
    • Lower boundary of the delivery date is set as current time
    • Upper boundary of the delivery date is set as the cancel date if specified. The only exception to this is if the requested ship date and the cancel date were specified without specifying any requested delivery date. The cancel date in this case is treated as the upper boundary for the shipping date and not the delivery date. If the cancel date was not specified, this is calculated as the upper boundary of the ship date + 60 days to take care of transit time. When actual dates are calculated, this transit is refined to the actual transit time.
  • Future orders
    • Lower boundary of the ship date is the requested ship date if specified. If not specified it is set as current time.
    • Upper boundary of the ship date is set to the cancel date if specified. If the cancel date is not specified but the requested ship date was specified, it is set at the requested ship date + "Allowed shipment delay window", a parameter setup in the scheduling rules. If the requested ship date was not specified, this is set as the upper boundary of the delivery date.
    • Lower boundary of the delivery date is set as the requested delivery date. If not specified, it is set as the lower boundary of the ship date.
    • Upper boundary of the delivery date is set as the cancel date if specified. The only exception to this is if the requested ship date and the cancel date were specified without specifying any requested delivery date. The cancel date in this case is treated as the upper boundary for the shipping date and not the delivery date. If the cancel date was not specified, this is calculated as the requested delivery date + "Allowed shipment delay days". If the requested delivery date was not specified, it is set as the upper boundary of the ship date + 60 days to take care of transit time. When the actual dates are calculated, this transit is refined to the actual transit time.

Also note that the shipment delay window is specified in elapsed days. It is typically expected that this is set to be at least more than the maximum notification time required by any node or item. If finer control is required over the last date when an order can be shipped, the cancel date should be used for that finer control. Sterling Order Management System defaults the "Allowed shipment delay days" to 30 days.

Initial date range calculation combinations

The following table details the various combinations of requested delivery dates, ship dates and cancel dates and how Sterling Order Management System calculates the initial ship and delivery date ranges.

Table 1. Initial date range calculation combinations
Requested delivery date Requested ship date Cancel date Initial ship start Initial ship end Initial delivery start date Initial delivery end date
Not specified Not specified Not specified Current time End of day after allowed shipment delay days from the current time Current time Initial ship end date + 60 days
Not specified Not specified Specified Current time Cancel date Current time Cancel date
Not specified Future date Not specified Future date specified End of day after allowed shipment delay days from the future day Future date specified Initial ship end + 60 days
Not specified Future date Specified Future date specified Cancel date Future date specified Initial ship end + 60 days
Not specified Past date Not specified Current time End of day after allowed shipment delay days from the current time Current time End of day after allowed shipment delay days from current time + 60 day
Not specified Past date Specified Current time Cancel date Current time Cancel date + 60 days
Future date Not specified Not specified Current time End of day after allowed shipment delay days from the future date Future date End of day after allowed shipment delay days from the future date
Future date Not specified Specified Current time Cancel date Future date Cancel date
Future delivery date Future ship date Not specified Future ship date End of day after allowed shipment delay days from the future delivery date Future delivery date End of day after allowed shipment delay days from the future delivery date
Future delivery date Future ship date Specified Future ship date Cancel date Future delivery date Cancel date
Future delivery date Past ship date Not specified Current time End of day after allowed shipment delay days from the future delivery date Future delivery date End of day after allowed shipment delay days from the future delivery date
Future delivery date Past ship date Specified Current time Cancel date Future delivery date Cancel date
Past delivery date Not specified Or Past ship date Not specified Current time End of day after allowed shipment delay days from the current time Current time End of day after allowed shipment delay days from the current time
Past delivery date Not specified Or Past ship date Specified Current time Cancel date Current time Cancel date

Initial date range calculation results

The following example illustrates the initial date ranges used for making sourcing and scheduling decisions.

If you set the following parameters as indicated, the initial date range calculation results are those listed in the following table.

  • Current time = 9/8/2003 3PM
  • Allowed shipment delay days = 30 days (Note that typically this parameter should be set to at least the notification time of any node + maximum sequential number of non-working days)
    Table 2. Example date range calculation results
    Requested delivery date Requested ship date Cancel date Initial ship start Initial ship end Initial delivery start date Initial delivery end date
    Not specified Not specified Not specified 9/8 3PM 10/8 00AM 9/8 3PM. 12/8 00AM
    Not specified Not specified 9/30 9/8 3PM 9/30 00AM 9/8 3PM. 9/30 00AM
    Not specified 9/15 2PM Not specified 9/15 2PM 10/15 00AM 9/15 2PM 12/15 00AM
    Not specified 9/15 2PM 9/30 9/15 2PM 9/30 00AM 9/15 2PM 11/30 00AM
    Not specified Past date Not specified 9/8 3PM 9/9 00 AM 9/8 3PM 11/9 00AM
    Not specified Past date 9/30 9/8 3PM 9/30 00AM 9/8 3PM 11/30 00AM
    9/15 2PM Not specified Not specified 9/8 3PM 10/15 00AM 9/15 2PM 10/15 00AM
    9/15 2PM Not specified 9/30 9/8 3PM 9/30 00AM 9/15 2PM 9/30 00AM
    9/15 2PM 9/12 2PM Not specified 9/12 2PM 10/12 00AM 9/15 2PM 10/15 00AM
    9/15 2PM 9/12 2PM 9/30 9/12 2PM 9/30 00AM 9/15 2PM 9/30 00AM
    9/15 2PM 9/6 2PM Not specified 9/8 3PM 10/15 00AM 9/15 2PM 10/15 00AM
    9/15 2PM 9/6 2PM 9/30 9/8 3PM 9/30 00AM 9/15 2PM 9/30 00AM
    9/6 2PM Not specified. Not specified 9/8 3PM 10/8 00AM 9/8 3PM 10/8 00AM
    9/6 2PM Not specified. 9/30 9/8 3PM 9/30 00AM 9/8 3PM 9/30 00AM