Ordered quantity computation for bundle components

An ordered quantity of a bundle component can be independent of its parent line or may be dependent on its parent. This is determined by kit quantity on the order line or the ratio quantity of the component order line.

If kit quantity is specified for the order line, then the quantity of the component line is the ordered quantity of the parent line multiplied by the kit quantity on the component line. When the kit quantity is specified, any change to the quantity of the parent line affects the quantity of the component and vice versa. The status change from the component to the parent and the parent to the component may also get propagated when the component maintains the kit quantity.

The component also can be created with fixed ordered quantity. In this case, not all changes to the quantity of the parent are applied to the components. The same is true with the quantity charge of the component.

Note: Create bundle components with kit quantity to facilitate quantity-related modification propagation from parent to component and component to parent.