Defining the primary information of a node

The primary information of a node determines how it is identified throughout the system.

About this task

Complete the following procedure to define the primary information of a node.


  1. From the tree in the application rules side panel, choose Participant Modeling > Participant Setup.
  2. From the Roles & Participation tab in the Organization Details window, choose Node Attributes.
  3. Choose the Primary Info tab.
  4. Enter information in the applicable fields. Refer to Table 1 for field value descriptions.
  5. Choose the Save icon.
    Table 1. Node primary info tab
    Field Description
    Node Type
    GLN Enter the global location number.
    Node Type Select the node type for this node from the drop-down list.
    Identified By Parent As Enter the name the node's parent uses to identify it.
    Agent Criteria Group Select an agent criteria group from the drop-down list.
    Export License Number Enter the node's license number used for export shipments.
    License Expiration Date Enter the date the export license expires.
    BOL Prefix Enter the label this node uses as a prefix on the bills of lading it creates, if applicable.
    Default Declared Value Enter the price that is to be displayed as the default declared value in the Application Console. This price is typically used by parcel carriers for computing insurance.
    Work Day Hours The standard number of working hours per resource or person in a day.

    This is used to convert hours to days.

    Store Inventory Configuration Configuration to specify whether the store is Store Inventory Management (SIM) enabled and whether the inventory is maintained in store. For more information, see Sterling Store Engagement documentation.
    Resource Planning Enabled Choose this to enable the planning of resources and activities.
    Third Party Logistics Node Choose this if the node is part of a third-party logistics business model. Chained orders are not created for nodes marked as a third-party logistics node.
    Maintain Inventory Cost Choose this if the node maintains its own inventory costs. When this option is selected, cost must be entered for each inventory adjustment that happens at this node. If you choose this, then inventory adjustments made for this node must be approved. Adjustments awaiting approval are called pending adjustments. The actual adjustment does not occur until the pending adjustment has been approved.
    Execution in Node Using
    External Application Choose this to have order releases interface through events.

    Run the Send Release agent to invoke the appropriate action during order releases. For more information, see Send release

    IBM® Sterling™ Order Management System Choose this to have order releases interface through the Application Console.
    Sterling Warehouse Management System / Store Inventory Management Choose this to have order releases interface through Sterling Store Inventory Management or Sterling Warehouse Management System (WMS). However, to use the web version of Sterling Store Engagement, you must configure the store as a non-WMS node.
    WMS 6.2 Choose this to have order releases interface through a Sterling Warehouse Management System version prior to and including Release 6.2.
    Action Name If you chose External Application, select the action to associate with it. For more information about actions, see Defining actions.
    Note: In the drop-down, only the Actions linked to the Primary Enterprise of this Node/Organization are available. Any actions created from this screen using the + button are linked to the Primary Enterprise of the User's Organization. As a result, they may not be available for the Node/Organization being created.

    In a multi-enterprise environment, ensure that Actions are created for the appropriate Enterprises first (when logged in as that Enterprise user). Subsequently, mapping of nodes to actions can be done when logged in either as an Enterprise user or as a Hub user.

    Dock Schedule
    Dock Schedules are managed by Select the application that manages the dock schedule.