Preferred substitutes

A preferred substitute is an item that should be fulfilled first, prior to fulfilling the original item.

The system verifies and fulfills the order by shipping the preferred substitute item even when the original item is available. For example, if an order is placed for Item1, but Item2 is the preferred substitute, Item2 is depleted prior to shipping Item1. The ratio between the preferred substitute and the original item should always be 1.

When a preferred substitute is available, the order is scheduled completely against that preferred substitute. Although partial scheduling against the preferred substitute or the original item is not possible, partial procurement is allowed when preferred substitutes are not available.

Note: Preferred substitutes have limitations such as:
  • Invoicing is done based on the original dimensions of the item.
  • Tag-controlled items cannot use preferred substitutes.
  • The product or service associations of the original item is used.
  • The capacity of the original item is used.
  • Routing is done based on the original dimensions of the item.