Using date-time syntax

All APIs, user exits, and events that use date-time fields have a uniform syntax (a combination of the basic and extended formats of the ISO 8601 specification). This syntax is the expected format for all input as well as output.

Date only syntax


Date-time syntax


Values in bold above are placeholders for literals. For example, the format for March 5, 2003, 11:30:59 p.m. is 2003-03-05T23:30:59.

Note: This syntax is an ISO Date-Time syntax and not the database syntax. Using a syntax other than the ISO Date-Time format may cause problems. For example, the time element in the Date-Time syntax may be overlooked or calculated incorrectly.

For example, if you provide the Date-Time input as "2007-05-18-", the system may interpret it as just "2007-05-18" because the T symbol is missing in the input.

Syntax parameters

Parameter Description
YYYY Required. Four-digit year. Used in both date-time and date fields.
MM Required. Two-digit month. Used in both date-time and date fields.
DD Required. Two-digit day of the month. Used in both date-time and date fields.
T Required. The literal value T, which separates the date and time component. Used only in date-time fields.
HH Required. Two-digit hour of the day. For example, 11 p.m. is displayed as 23:00:00. Used only in date-time fields.
MI Required. Two-digit minutes of the hour. For example, 59 minutes is displayed as 00:59:00. Used only in date-time fields.
SS Required. Two-digit seconds of the minute. For example, 21 seconds is displayed as 00:00:21. Used only in date-time fields.
Z Optional. This parameter separates the time component in GMT format. Used only in Date-Time syntax.
Note: You can pass the parameter Z as input. The system does not return this parameter in output.
+HH:MI Optional. Two-digit hours and minutes, separated by a colon (":"). Indicates how many hours from UTC, using - to indicate earlier than UTC and + to indicate later than UTC. If this value is not passed in input, the time zone of the application is assumed.