To form queries

You can form queries for attributes.

About this task

To form queries:


  1. Edit the custom input XML of any list API, and append QryType to any attribute you want to query on. Any attribute that is not appended with QryType can also be queried on, using the default query type value EQ, as shown for ShipNode in the example in the topic on forming queries in the input XML of list APIs.
  2. For attributes appended with QryType, specify a query type value from the following table. This is case sensitive.
  3. Specify the values that are applicable to your search criteria.

    The values for the QryType attributes vary depending on the datatype of the field. The following table lists the supported query type values for each datatype.

    Field DataType Supported Query Type Values
    • EQ - Equal to
    • FLIKE - Starts with
    • LIKE - Contains
    • GT - Greater than
    • LT - Less than
    • NE - Not equal to
    • BETWEEN - Range of values
    • EQ - Equal to
    • GE - Greater than or equal to
    • GT - Greater than
    • LE - Less than or equal to
    • LT - Less than
    • NE - Not equal to
    • DATERANGE - Range of dates
    • EQ - Equals
    • GE - Greater than or equal to
    • GT - Greater than
    • LE - Less than or equal to
    • LT - Less than
    • NE - Not equal to
    • BETWEEN - Range of dates
    • EQ - Equals
    • GE - Greater than or equal to
    • GT - Greater than
    • LE - Less than or equal to
    • LT - Less than
    • NE - Not equal to
    Note: For nullable columns where the column or attribute is set to Nullable in the entity XML, you can use the following query types:
    • ISNULL - Return records that are null.
    • NOTNULL - Return records that are not null.
    For non-nullable columns, you can use the VOID query type, which returns all the records of type void.