Searching for alerts

You can search for any alert including assigned alerts, unassigned alerts, specific alert types, and many others.


  1. Log in to Order Hub.
  2. Click Alerts from the menu.
  3. Enter search criteria.
    • Customize search criteria provides the capability to configure the search fields that display on the page. This option provides other fields to help you narrow your search results.
    • Date range fields include preset range options and custom range options to specify relative dates or specific date ranges.
      • Preset range options include options such as "Today", "Yesterday", or "Last 7 days". These options are helpful in saved searches as the query uses the relative dates, depending on when the search is run.
      • To customize relative dates, click Custom range > Relative. The first field (Last # minute/hour/day) is the relative start date and the second field "Relative to" is the relative end date. For example, a custom relative range "Last 2 hours relative to Yesterday 11:59 PM" searches for records that were created between 9:59 PM yesterday and 11:59 PM yesterday.
      • To choose specific dates, open the Date range field and then click Custom range > Absolute.
  4. Click Search. You are directed to the Alert search results page with any entries that match your criteria.

    You can also click Save search to save the search criteria for future use. After saving, you can reload by clicking Saved searches and at the top of the search page.

    Description of fields on the Alert search results page
    Field Description
    Alert ID A system generated unique identifier for the alert.
    Alert type The type of alert.
    Description A brief description of the alert.
    Queue The queue that the alert is assigned to.
    Order number The order number that is associated with the alert.
    Order status The status of the order that is associated with the alert.
    Shipment number The shipment number that is associated with the alert.
    Assigned to user The user that is assigned to resolve the alert.
    Priority The priority of the alert.
    Count The number of consolidated alerts that belong to the same alert ID.
    Last triggered The date that the alert was last triggered.
    Created for The document type for which the alert was created.
    Enterprise The enterprise code of the order that is associated with the alert.
    Buyer The buyer of the order that is associated with the alert.
    Seller The seller of the order that is associated with the alert.
    Carrier service The carrier service of any order line in the order that is associated with the alert.
    Requested delivery date The requested delivery date range for the order that is associated with the alert.
    Total amount The total amount of the order that is associated with the alert.
    Details Specific details of the alert.
    Payment status The payment status of the order that is associated with the alert.
  5. You can complete various actions on this page. Select one or more checkboxes beside an alert to view the available actions.
    View details
    Takes you to the Alert details page to view more information about the alert.
    Mark as closed
    Set the alert status to Closed to indicate that the alert is resolved or invalid.
    Mark as in progress
    Set the alert status to In progress.
    Remove from in progress
    Set the alert status from In progress to Open.
    Unassign the user from the alert.
    Assign to user
    Assign the alert to a user.
    Assign to queue
    Assign the alert to a queue.