Deploying the Schedule order customization

Learn how to deploy the Schedule order customizations to your Order Hub SaaS environments. To learn more about the deployment process, see Deploying customizations for existing applications.


  1. Log in to Order Hub.
  2. Switch to the tenant where you want to publish the customization.
  3. Go to Settings > Configurations > Add ons > Customization configuration.
  4. Record the following values.
    Customization folder
    Use this value as the customizatonContextRoot that you need to define in the package-customization.json for packaging the customizations.
    Customization client ID
    Use this value as the client-id when you run the command to deploy customizations.
    Customization auth key
    Use this value as the client-secret when you run the command to deploy customizations. The auth key is displayed only when you first set up the tenant. If you do not know the auth key, click Regenerate keys.
  5. Edit the package-customization.json file that is at the root level of the module that you customized.
    1. Since you customized the buc-app-order module, open the devtoolkit_docker/orderhub-code/buc-app-order/package-customization.json file.
    2. Update the customizationContextRoot with the customization folder value that you retrieved in step 4.
    3. In the "routes" section, include the order-search-result route that you customized.
      For example,
          "repositoryName": "buc-app-order",
          "customizationContextRoot": "/buc-app-customization/balohTK4anG5GmXsRwOSeSidbQOKEw6N",
          // replace this with the value you retrieved for customization folder
          "routes": {
              "order-search-result": {
                  "type": "code"
  6. Open the buc-app-order/packages/order-search-result/package.json file.
  7. Add the following property to the build-merged script: --deploy-url=<customizationContextRoot>/buc-app-order/order-search-result.
    For example,
    "build-merged": "ng build order-search-result --configuration=merged-prod --deploy-url=/buc-app-customization/balohTK4anG5GmXsRwOSeSidbQOKEw6N/buc-app-order/order-search-result/"
    Note: You need to update the build-merge script because you customized an existing module.
  8. Create a features.json file under devtoolkit_docker/packages/buc-app-order.
    Since you didn’t add any new routes (only customized the existing 'order-search-result' route), add an empty array.
  9. Open a terminal and go to the module's root folder devtoolkit_docker/orderhub-code/buc-app-order.
  10. Run the following command to build the package for deployment. This command might take some time to complete.
    yarn package-customization
  11. Run the following command to deploy the customizations to the tenant.
    yarn orderhub-cli publish-customization --client-id=<clientId> --client-secret=<clientSecret> --package-name=buc-app-order
    Note: If the publish-customization command fails (for example, due to a wrong client secret), you can rerun the command with the --publish-only=true --package-name=./dist/ parameters.
    yarn orderhub-cli publish-customization --client-id=<clientId> --client-secret=<clientSecret> --publish-only=true --package-name=./dist/
    For more information about using the publish-customization command, see Deploying customizations for existing applications.
  12. If you deployed your customizations to the DEV tenant, disconnect the connection to your developer toolkit by completing the following steps. If you deployed to a different tenant, simply log in to the tenant to verify that your customizations are available.
    1. Log in to Order Hub.
    2. Go to Settings > Customization.
    3. Click Enable OOB module customization.
    4. Set the module that you customized to OFF.
    5. Save your changes and reload the frame.
      The menus revert to the original labels without "(DEV MODE)". You can now verify that your customizations are available and rendering from Order Hub instead of your developer toolkit.


You successfully deployed the customizations to your tenant and completed the tutorial.