Enabling tracing for the web UI framework

In the web UI framework you can enable tracing by launching the System management Console.


  1. Open the System Management Console by clicking System > Launch System Management Console.
  2. Click Tools > Trace Components. The Traced Components dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Add button.
    The Trace Component popup window appears.
  4. In the Component Type field, select Web UI Framework Console from the dropdown list.
  5. In the Component Name field, select WUFAll from the dropdown list, if you want to enable trace for all the WUF applications. If you want to enable trace for a specific application, select the appropriate application from the dropdown list.
  6. In the Trace Level field, select VERBOSE from the dropdown list.
  7. Click Apply to save these changes.
    The Trace Component popup window closes.
  8. Click Close.
    The Traced Components dialog box closes.