Migrating from Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility integration phase 1 to phase 2

To use Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility as your inventory management system for Sterling Order Management System, contact IBM Support to get phase 2 integration enabled.

To successfully complete the migration, System Integrators must review best practices and deprecated Sterling Order Management System APIs and events.

Before you contact IBM Support to enable phase 2 integration, complete the following prerequisites:
  • Disable the reference implementation of IVReadCachedAvailabilityUEImpl or IVReadCachedAvailabilityUEImpl_v1 for OMPGetInventoryFromCacheUE, if implemented. This UE implementation is used to fetch inventory availability from Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility. With phase 2 integration, inventory availability is fetched out-of-the-box, and therefore, you need not implement this UE.
  • Run the InventorySnapshot agent to sync demands and supplies from Global Inventory Visibility to Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility.
    • Traditionally, demands and supplies are sent to Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility by using DEMAND_CHANGE and SUPPLY_CHANGE_LIST events. However, if you have customized phase 1 to send demands and supplies to Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility through a user exit, ensure to disable this customization. If this customization is active in phase 2, duplicate demands and supplies might be sent to Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility.
    • In phase 2, for demands and supplies of untagged items the tag number is set to blank.