Installing third-party JAR files

This utility copies the supplied resources to the application directory structure, and appends the added third-party, custom JAR file to the global classpath, agent classpath, or application server EAR file.

Note: If JAR files are deprecated due to security vulnerabilities, ensure that you evaluate the dependency of such JAR files and eliminate their use in your customization. If JAR files are deprecated for nonsecurity reasons, you can continue to use the third-party library by packaging the library JAR files that are removed from your customization package. For more information, see Deprecated components.

Following is the syntax for the install3rdParty script:

./ vendorName vendorVersion <-d | -j | -l | -p | -r > filelist 
[-targetJVM EVERY | NOWHERE | DCL | APP | AGENT | [-uninstall]


  • <vendorName> refers to the name of the vendor such as WebLogic and WebSphere®.
  • <vendorVersion> refers to the version of the vendor's product.
  • [-uninstall] is used to remove a JAR from the JAR directory or the classpath files. Be sure to run right after using this option.

Pass the appropriate argument based on the file type. You can pass the following arguments:

  • -d for database JAR or compressed files
  • -j for JAR or compressed files
  • -l for shared libraries
  • -p for properties files
  • -r for resource properties files

<filelist> refers to the path to your custom file.

For example, to install the wlclient.jar to the dynamic classpath of the agent, use the following command:

<INSTALL_DIR>/bin/ weblogic 12.1.2 -j
<BEA_HOME>/wlserver_12.1.2/server/lib/wlclient.jar -targetJVM AGENT

This command causes the wlclient.jar file to be copied from the WebLogic installation location into the product installation location (<INSTALL_DIR>/jar/welogic/12.1.2/wlclient.jar). The utility then updates the <INSTALL_DIR>/properties/ file with the new JAR file and uses the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/ utility to regenerate the AGENTDynamicclasspath.cfg file from the modified ".in" file.

If you want the new JAR file to be made available to the Application Server and Agents when running the install3rdParty utility, pass the following arguments:

Adds the new JAR to all the dynamic classpath files (for example, APPDynamicclasspath.cfg, AGENTDynamicclasspath.cfg, and dynamicclasspath.cfg.
Adds the new JAR to the <INSTALL_DIR>/jar directory and do not want to update any of the dynamic classpath files
Adds the new JAR to the main Dynamicclasspath.cfg file only
Adds the new JAR to the EAR file
Adds the new JAR to the AgentDynamicclasspath.cfg file
Note: The application supports only those options that are listed earlier for the install3rdParty utility. Any other options that are displayed with the -help message command are not supported.

If the argument for -targetJVM is not specified, the new JAR file is then added to the Dynamicclasspath.cfg file.

When you use the install3rdParty utility to update a classpath:

  • The order of lines in the dynamic classpath files determines the order of the classpath for the application server or agent.
  • Whatever is in the beginning of the file is analogous to the JAR being in the beginning of the classpath.

For help with using the install3rdParty utility, on the command line, enter the command, including the -help option. The install3rdParty utility prints a usage message.