You can save a search to avoid entering the search criteria every time you search for a
particular subscription. You can save a search by using the Saved
Searches in the Subscription Search screen.
About this task
save a search:
- Navigate to the
Subscription Search screen. To navigate to the Subscription Search
screen, perform the following steps:
- Log in to Sterling Business Center as an
administrator or a user with data synchronization permissions.
- The application home page is displayed.
In the Data Synchronization dashlet,
click Find Subscription.
The Subscription Search screen is displayed.
- Enter the applicable search criteria.
- From the Saved Searches menu,
select Create Saved Search.
- The Save Search dialog
box is displayed. In the Saved Search Name* field,
enter a name for the search that is to be saved.
- Select the Include in favorite searchescheck
box to mark the saved search as a favorite. Marking a saved search
as a favorite enables the user to quickly go to that saved search
from the home page. A maximum of five most recent favorite saved searches
are displayed as hyperlinks under the Favorite Searchespanel
in the home page. You can also access the favorite saved searches
by using the Favorites menu in the header bar
of the home page.
- Click Save.
Note: * indicates that the field is mandatory.
The search is saved. You can use the saved Searches while searching
for the particular subscription.