
You must consider the aspects described in this topic before migrating from Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy), Release 9.3 to Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy), Release 10.0. The information in this topic is applicable to only those users who are currently using the Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) 9.3 release.

Store associates can access the new screens with the earlier screens in the same installation of the application. There is no change in the installation or packaging process and the application can be deployed as a single WAR file, which includes screens from both the versions.

  • You can continue to use Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy), Release 9.3 screens on Sterling Order Management System Software, Release 10.0.
  • You can choose to only use Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) 10.0 release. However, you must re-customize the new screens to incorporate the earlier customizations as auto-migration of the extensions is not supported.
  • You can choose to access the Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) 10.0 screens from the Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) 9.3 screens. To achieve this, you can customize the earlier versions of Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) screens by adding a link to launch the Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy), Release 10.0 screens.
  • In ç, Release 9.3, the BaseTemplateUtils and UIUtils that were part of the isccs.utils package are now available in the ias.utils package. Additionally, the ScreenUtils are now available as part of the ias.utils package. To know more about the packages and utils available in the release, see the JavaScript Documentation.
  • The latest release of the application is available in all languages supported by Sterling Order Management System Software. However, the ç, Release 9.3 screen literals are not translated.