Scenario: Reading availability cache from a fulfillment network is composed of large set of stores
This business scenario illustrates the most optimal inventory availability check from a fulfillment network that is composed of large set of stores.
Scenario | Sterling Order Management System Software Features |
In a Ship From Store scenario, the response time that is involved in fetching inventory information from the availability cache where an enterprise has of large number of stores. Consider an example where an enterprise has a network of 2000 stores. | Smart sourcing helps in performance and configuration of scheduling and fulfillment of orders from a store. Smart sourcing helps in reducing the nodes to be processed for sourcing, but still provides the best possible option. In order to take full advantage of the Smart Sourcing feature, both Realtime Availability Monitor (RTAM) and node-level RTAM for all nodes considered for smart sourcing must be running. The data that is published by the RTAM is used in smart sourcing. Smart sourcing utilizes the data present in inventory alert or availability cache from Cassandra to figure the best possible nodes to ship an order line. Smart sourcing utilizes the data that is present in inventory alert or the availability cache to figure the best possible nodes to ship an order line. However, the amount of time taken to fetch the data from the availability cache becomes expensive as inventory cache data needs to be read for all stores as defined in the sourcing configuration. In order to figure out the best nodes from the 2000 nodes, all the 2000 records are read and then the top nodes are considered for further real time availability checks. The read becomes expensive on the database thus increases the response time. |
Scenario | Sterling Order Management System Software Features |
Consider a scenario where the data is spread across multiple data centers and the response time that is involved in fetching inventory information from the distributed cache. | Use Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory
Visibility to avail inventory data and cache on
a distributed database. The Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory
Visibility APIs provide light weight services
for accessing the node or network level availability of items. For more information, see Integrating with Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility. |