Modifying a relationship

You can modify a relationship.

About this task

To modify a relationship:


  1. On the map, double-click the relationship you want to modify. The relationship details screen displays.
  2. Enter information into the applicable fields. Refer to the following table for field value descriptions.
  3. Choose the Save icon.


Table 1. Relationship details window.

Relationship field value descriptions

Field Description
Relationship Type Select a relationship type for this relationship from the drop-down list.
From Node Select the node from which items are sent. For the Relationship To Node tab, this option is defaulted to the node you are configuring and disabled.
To Node Select the node at which transfer order items are received. For the Relationship From Node tab, this option is defaulted to the node you are configuring and disabled.
Transfer Schedules  
Effective From Indicates the date on which the schedule takes effect.
Effective To Indicates the date on which the specified transfer schedule stops being effective.
Days of the Week Indicates which days are eligible for items to ship on during the transfer schedule.