Modifying a return reason

You can modify a return reason.

About this task

To modify a return reason:


  1. From the tree in the application rules side panel, choose Document Specific > The Order Document Type You Want to Work With (ex. Return Order) > Return Reasons. The Return Reason window displays in the work area.
  2. From the Return Reasons table, select the applicable return reason and choose the Details icon. The Return Reason Details pop-up window displays.
  3. In Short Description, enter a brief description of the return reason.
  4. In Long Description, enter a more detailed description of the return reason.
  5. If this return reason requires that the order be repriced due to a reduced quantity, check the Re-Price Sales Order With Reduced Quantity checkbox.

    This flag is applicable only where repricing needs to occur against a reduced quantity: the quantity against which the order line is repriced (repricing quantity) is adjusted to the reduced quantity.

    If this return reason is used for a modification which does not reduce quantity, this flag is not applicable.

    This field does not exist for Load Modification Reasons.

  6. Choose the Save icon.