Creating a count program

You can create a count program.

About this task

To create a count program:


  1. From the tree in the application rules side panel, choose Count > Count Program. The Count Program List window displays.
  2. In the Count Program List window, choose the Create New icon. The Count Program Details window displays.
  3. Enter a valid Program Name for the Program being created.
  4. Choose the relevant count program span for the Program.
    • Choose ‘All Nodes,' if the program is to span all the nodes.
    • Choose ‘Specific Node' and the specific node from the drop-down list, if the program is to span a specific node.
    • Choose ‘All Nodes in Region' and choose the Search icon to select the relevant region from the Regions pop-up window, if the program is to span all nodes in a region.
  5. Choose the relevant Calendar to be used for the Program, from the drop-down list. The calendar of the node as well as the calendars of the primary enterprise of the node display in the drop-down list.
  6. Choose the Save icon. The Count Program Conditions panel now displays in the Count Program Details window.
  7. In the Count Program Conditions panel, choose the Create New icon. The Count Program Condition Details Pop-up displays.
  8. Enter information in the applicable fields. Refer Table 1 for field value descriptions.
  9. Choose the Save icon. The pop-up window is closed, and you are returned to the Count Program Details window.
  10. After setting up all the relevant Count Program Conditions, choose the Save icon in the Count Program Details window.
    Table 1. Count program condition details pop-up window
    Field Description
    Description Enter a description for the count program condition.
    Count Program Condition
    Select locations to be counted in the following zones Choose the Details icon. In the List of Values pop-up, choose the zones that are to be counted.
    Select Product Classes whose inventory is to be counted Choose the Details icon. In the List of Values pop-up, choose the product classes that are to be counted.
    Item Classifications Displays the item classifications that are available to be counted.
    Count at Classification Level Select if the counting is to be done at the item classification level.
    Count inventory when unit value is between Enter the minimum unit value to be counted. This defaults to 0 if no value is provided.
    and Enter the maximum unit value to be counted. This defaults to 99,999 if no value is provided.
    Number of times to count Enter the number of times to count.