Post-migration tasks - enabling text search feature on Db2 database

You can enable the text search feature on Db2 after you perform your migration.

About this task

To enable the Text Search feature on a Db2 Database, perform these tasks:


  1. Ensure that the Db2 database is configured with the Db2 Net Search Extender plug-in.
  2. Log in to the Db2 server using the command editor or command-line processor with a user ID having DBA privileges.
  3. If upgrading in nonsharded mode, run the create.sql script and the update.sql script from the <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/database/scripts/db2/textsearch directory.


    If upgrading in sharded mode, run the create.sql script and the update.sql script from the following directories for each colony:

    • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/database/scripts/db2/textsearch/TRANSACTION
    • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/database/scripts/db2/textsearch/MASTER
    • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/database/scripts/db2/textsearch/CONFIGURATION
    • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/database/scripts/db2/textsearch/STATISTICS

      The create.sql script creates text search indices (if it contains any scripts) and the update.sql script updates the existing text search indices (if it contains any scripts).

      Note: Perform step 4 only if the text search index creation is successful.
  4. Use the <INSTALL_DIR>/properties/ file to set the following property:

    yfs.db.textsearch to Y

    Note: To drop the text search indices from the Db2 database, run the drop.sql script.