Loading the language pack translations in UNIX/Linux

About this task

Prior to loading the Sterling Order Management System Software Language Pack factory defaults, ensure that you have successfully configured your database tier software.

Important: Verify that your locale settings, such as currency, time format, date, and so on are correct.


  1. To load the language pack translation with custom localization literals, run the Localized String Reconciler tool in the IMPORT mode from the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin directory as follows:
    sci_ant.sh -f localizedstringreconciler.xml import -Dsrc=<INSTALL_DIR>
    /repository/factorysetup/complete_installation/XMLS -Dbasefilename=
    ycplocalizedstrings -Dvariablefilename=resources/ycd_fc_variable.properties

    where <INSTALL_DIR> refers to the installation directory.

    The basefilename refers to the file present in the following directory, for which translations are to be imported into the database:

    The default value for the basefilename parameter is ycplocalizedstrings.

    For example, to import translations for the or language pack, the base file is ycdlocalizedstrings. The base file is derived from the xx_XX_ycdlocalizedstrings_yy_YY.properties file. This file inserts the values specified in the properties file into the database.

    The Localized String Reconciler tool inserts the values specified in the following file...


    ... from the following directory...


    ...into the database.

  2. If you need to localize the factory setup of add-in, run the following command:
    sci_ant.sh -f localizedstringreconciler.xml import -Dsrc=<INSTALL_DIR>
    /repository/factorysetup/complete_installation/XMLS -Dbasefilename=
    ycdfcaddinliterals2translate -Dvariablefilename=resources

    To localize Sterling Business Center, enter the following:

    sci_ant.sh -f localizedstringreconciler.xml import -Dsrc=<INSTALL_DIR>
    /repository/factorysetup/complete_installation/XMLS -Dbasefilename=
    sbcliterals2translate -Dvariablefilename=resources