Example of webservicesbeans.xml file - WebLogic
The following is an example of a webservicebeans.xml file:
<Bean BeanName="TheBeans"
BeanPackage="com.sterlingcommerce.jaxws.the.webservices" >
<Api Name="login" ExposedName="theLogin" />
<Api Name="getLocaleList" ExposedName="theGetLocaleList" />
<Bean BeanName="OtherBeans"
BeanPackage="com.sterlingcommerce.jaxws.other.webservices" >
<Api Name="getLocaleList" ExposedName="otherGetLocaleList" />
<Service AnnotateClassNames="true" Name="testWS" ExposedName="testWS" />
<Service Name="testWS2" ExposedName="testWS2" />
Note: If you are using a non-ASCII character set, the
first letter of the bean names must be uppercase and the first character
of the exposed name for the API must be lowercase.