Pending changes on confirmed orders
Sterling Order Management System Software provides the capability for a user to make changes to a confirmed order that is participating in the order fulfillment pipeline, as long as the order is in a status that allows modifications.
To persist the changes, the user must actually save the changes. However, Sterling Order Management System Software also provides the capability for the changes to be rolled back. Any modifications made to a confirmed order remain in a pending state until the user saves or rolls back the changes, or the changes automatically expire after a preconfigured timeframe.
For example, a user can add an item to a confirmed order and model the order. If the user saves the change, the change is permanently applied to the order. However, after modeling the order, the user may decide that the item is too expensive. The confirmed order shows the added item, but the user closes the browser without saving the pending change. After a specified timeframe, which is defined in the Distributed Order Management Applications Manager, the pending change automatically expires and the order rolls back to its original state.
When a confirmed order contains pending changes, a hold is automatically placed on the order, preventing any further order processing. After the pending changes are saved or rolled back, the hold is automatically removed and order processing can continue. If the pending changes expire, the hold remains on the order until the ProcessOrderHoldType agent is invoked, which automatically removes the hold.
The functionality of pending changes on confirmed orders is similar to draft orders in that users can make changes to orders, model orders, and confirm orders. However, it differs in that holds are not placed on draft orders, and draft orders do not usually expire after users close their browsers. When users log in again, draft orders are usually available for modification and confirmation.