Loading the localized Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) factory setup data

About this task

Factory setup data includes configuration data, such as error codes, item descriptions, and so on. The database can be localized to store values in a language-specific format. This ensures that the user interface literals are displayed in the localized language. After you have localized the factory setup data, you have to load this data so that the applications can use the localized data in the application user interface.
To load the localized factory setup data with custom localization literals, run the LocalizedStringReconciler tool in IMPORT mode from the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin directory as follows:
  • Windows
    sci_ant.cmd -f localizedstringreconciler.xml import -Dbasefilename=
    ./sci_ant.sh -f localizedstringreconciler.xml import
    -Dbasefilename= ycdfcpcaliterals2translate