Add an override rule
You can create an override rule for a policy that belongs to pricing domain.
About this task
Note: The
fields marked with * are mandatory.
- In the Policy Details screen, click Override Rules tab.
- Click Add.
The New Override Rule screen is displayed.
- Perform
the following steps to add the primary information details:
- In the Override Rule ID * text box, enter a unique identifier for the override rule. The Override Rule ID, which is used to identify the subscription, must be unique for the organization.
- From the Document Type menu, select the document type of the override rule.
- From the Message Code menu, select the message code for the override rule.
- In the Message Description text box, enter a brief description of the message code that is selected. The maximum number of characters you can enter is 100 characters.
- Enter the Effective Start Date. Alternatively, click the Calendar icon to select a start date from the calendar. The date format that is displayed depends on your locale.
- Enter the Effective End Date. Alternatively, click the Calendar icon to select an end date from the calendar. The date format that is displayed depends on your locale.
- Perform the following
steps to add the criteria:
- From the Channel menu, select the sales channel for the override rule.
- From the Lane Type menu, select the lane type for the override rule.
- From the Store Type menu, select the store type for the override rule.
- From the Region lookup widget, search for the region of the override rule.
- Perform the following steps
to add conditions:
- Click Add a Condition link. Note: By default, the pre-defined criteria of the corresponding validation rule is automatically populated as the first condition. However, you can modify the existing condition, or add a condition.
- In the row that is added, click the Search icon that is next to the <entity attributes for condition> field to select an entity attribute.
- A dialog box that contains the available entity attributes in a tree hierarchy is displayed. Select an entity attribute.
- Based on the entity
attribute that is selected from the dialog box, corresponding query
types are displayed in the dynamic panel. For example, if you select Customer Level from the tree hierarchy, a query type that enables the selection of the corresponding attribute value is displayed.Note: The query type that is populated dynamically depends on the entity attribute, which is selected at the tree hierarchy.For example, if you select Customer Type entity attribute from the tree hierarchy, query type is always defaulted “is”. Similarly, if you select the Grace Period(Days) For Expired Coupon entity attribute from the tree hierarchy, the query types available are “less than or equals”, “less than”, “greater than or equals”, “greater than”, and “equals”.
- You can establish an “and” or “or”
relationship between the conditions in a rule. Perform the following
steps to establish a relationship between conditions in a rule:
- From the <Operator> list in the dynamic panel, select AND to establish an “and” relationship between the conditions in a rule. If all the selected conditions are evaluated as True, the result would be True. If any of the selected conditions are evaluated as False, the result would be False.
- From the <Operator> list in the dynamic panel, select OR to establish an “or” relationship between the conditions in a rule. If any of the selected conditions are evaluated as True, the result would be True. If all the selected conditions are evaluated as False, the result would be False
- To negate a condition, select the condition
and click Not. The entity attribute
in the condition is negated.Note:
- You can select only one condition in a rule at a time.
- You cannot select multiple operators between the conditions in a group. For example, if you create three conditions, A, B, and C, you can either establish an “and” relationship or an “or” relationship between the conditions.
Additionally, you can complete the following steps to group, ungroup, modify the sequence of conditions, and remove a condition for an override rule.
To group conditions:
- Press the Ctrl key and select the conditions that you want to group. Ensure that all the conditions that are selected for grouping are selected completely and are consecutive. However, you cannot group a condition with an existing group.
- Click Group.
To ungroup conditions:
- Press the Ctrl key and select the group of conditions that you want to ungroup.
- Click Un Group.
To modify the sequence of conditions:- Select the condition that you want to move up or down by clicking it.
- Click either the Move up or Move Down.Note: When you modify the sequence of conditions, the operators that you assign to the conditions also move along with the conditions. In such a scenario, the relationship between the conditions can change based on the operators that are assigned to the conditions.
To remove a condition:
- Select the condition that you want to remove by clicking it.
- Click Remove Condition.Note: The Remove Condition is enabled only if a condition is selected.
- Click Add a Condition link.
- Click Save.
- If
you want to assign an approval plan that can allow or reject an override
rule, then complete the following steps:
- Select Do not allow override, if you do not want to proceed with the transaction under the defined conditions.
- Select Allow system to override, if you want the system to automatically override the violation.
- Select Must be approved by one of
the following users check box, if you want to proceed
with the transaction for the set of conditions only if it is approved
by the approver. Note: Must be approved by one of the following users check box is enabled only if you select Allow override check box.
- If you select Must be approved by one of
the following users check box in the previous step, then,
the Approval Plan panel is displayed. By default,
the override rule is associated to the default approval plan group.
However, you can change the default approval plan. To switch the approval
plan, complete the following steps:
- Click Switch Approval Plan. The Add Approval Plan window is displayed.
- Select the Approval plan.
- Click Save. The override rule is associated to the approval plan.
- Click Save.