Configuring the loadInventoryMismatch service

The LoadInventoryMismatch service is responsible for loading the inventory picture from the node, and eventually populating the YFS_INVENTORY_SUPPLY_TEMP table with the appropriate data.

About this task

The following steps are required to configure the service appropriately:


  1. In the LoadInventoryMismatch Service Detail window, click the green connector in between File IO and Text Translator. The File IO Receiver properties display under the graphic area.
    • Click the Runtime tab.
    • Ensure that the Create EOF Message field is checked.
    • Click the File tab.
    • In the Incoming Directory field, enter the directory where the node uploads the inventory XMLs.
  2. In the LoadInventoryMismatch Service Detail window, click the green connector in between Text Translator and WebLogic JMS. The JMS Sender properties display under the graphic area.
    • Click the Runtime tab.
    • Ensure that the Destination Name entered is the name of an existing JMS Queue, and that it matches the Destination Name of the JMS Receiver properties.
  3. In the LoadInventoryMismatch Service Detail window, click the green connector in between WebLogic JMS and API. The JMS Receiver properties display under the graphic area.
    • Click the Runtime tab.
    • Ensure that the Destination Name entered is the name of an existing JMS Queue, and that it matches the Destination Name of the JMS Sender properties.
    • Click the Exception tab.
    • Ensure that the Is Reprocessible field is checked.