Scenario: Configuring the Real-Time Availability Monitor for Capacity

If capacity is configured in Sterling Order Management System Software, you can configure the Real-Time Availability Monitor (RTAM) to consider capacity when calculating availability. In this case, when a node's capacity becomes depleted, RTAM publishes no availability for the items at the node.

About this task

In this example, RTAM publishes availability to a website for a store that has capacity that is configured in Sterling Order Management System Software. When the store's capacity becomes depleted, RTAM asynchronously publishes a message to your website that indicates no items at the node are available.

This example assumes the following conditions:

  • Node capacity is configured in Sterling Order Management System Software for the shipping and pickup delivery methods at your store.
  • No capacity is available for today, January, 1, 2016.
  • The inventory organization, "Matrix_Corp" maintains its own inventory and sourcing rules.
  • The East Coast distribution group contains your store.
  • RTAM is running in activity-based mode.

RTAM does not run automatically for all items at the node when the node's capacity is depleted. You must configure the ON_STD_CAPACITY_FILLED event to trigger an activity that forces RTAM to run. The procedure demonstrates how to configure RTAM for capacity and includes instructions about setting up the ON_STD_CAPACITY_FILLED event.


  1. In the Applications Manager, select Applications > Applications Platform from the menu.
    1. Double-click Process Modeling.
    2. Select the General tab and double-click the General process type to open it.
    3. Expand the Transactions tree in the left pane and double-click Real Time Availability Monitor to open it.
    4. In the top section, under the Time Triggered tab, click Create New to create an agent criteria with the following values:
      • The JMS QCF is reserved exclusively for the agent server. Any QCF and queue suffices.
      • If a parameter does not show in the tables below, it denotes that the field is left blank.
      Runtime Properties
      Parameter Value
      Agent Server RTAMAgent
      Note: Click Create New to create an agent server.
      JMS Queue Name Specify a JMS queue name for your environment, such as RTAMAgent_Q.
      No. of Threads Specify the number of threads for your environment.
      Initial Context Factory Specify the initial context factory for your environment, such as WebSphere® MQ.
      QCF Lookup Specify the parameter for your environment, such as AGENT_QCF.
      (and later) Connection Factory Specify the parameter for your environment, such as AGENT_QCF.
      Provider URL Specify the provider URL for your environment, such as corbaloc::your_host_name:bootstrap_port.
      Enable JMS Security If you want JMS security, select this option.
      Schedule Trigger Message

      Activity-based Mode is Selected.

      Message Retry When Schedule Trigger Message is set to Activity-based Mode, specify a time interval for triggering RTAM. In this example, Schedule Trigger Message is set to Activity-based Mode. In this case, specify 5 minutes in the Message Retry field.
      Criteria Parameters
      Parameter Value
      Action Get
      Number of Records To Buffer 20,000
      InventoryOrganizationCode Matrix_Corp

      Activity-based mode is 1.

      CollectPendingJobs Y
      RaiseEventOnAllAvailabilityChanges N
    5. Save your changes.
    6. In the Events tab, ensure that the REALTIME_AVAILABILITY_CHANGE_LIST event is enabled. The event publishes inventory information to your website or external system by calling an asynchronous service that puts a message in a queue.
  2. In Applications Manager, select Applications > Global Inventory Visibility from the menu.
    1. Double-click Inventory Rules from the left pane to open the corresponding window and select the Monitor Rules tab.
    2. Ensure that the Use Activity-Based Mode for Real-Time Availability Monitor option is selected.
    3. Subscribe the "East Coast" distribution group to node-level monitoring by clicking the Distribution Group To Use For Node Level Monitoring icon. The Monitor Rule Distribution Group window opens. Move the "East Coast" distribution group from Available to Subscribed in the Distribution Group To Use For Node Level Monitoring panel and then click the Save icon.
    4. Under the ATP Monitor Rules section, click Create New to create an ATP monitor rule. The following values are only for an example:
      ATP Monitor Rule Details
      Parameter Value and Notes
      ATP Monitor Rule Test
      ATP Monitor Rule Name TestRule
      Lead Time Override (Days) 0
      Disabled Not selected
      Event Based ATP Monitor Rule Selected
      High Quantity Boundary 100

      The available inventory level above which an inventory item is considered to be in high quantity. Until inventory falls below this level, an item is considered to be In Stock.

      Medium Quantity Boundary 10

      The available inventory level above which an inventory item is considered to be in medium quantity. The available inventory level might indicate that an item is Available in Limited Quantity until the level rises to High or drops to Low.

      Low Quantity Boundary 1

      The available inventory level above which an inventory item is considered to be in low quantity. At this level, a web site might indicate Low Stock.

    5. Click Save to save your changes.

      You might need to configure more ATP monitor rules, depending on your scenario complexity.

  3. In Sterling Business Center, apply the "Test Rule" ATP Monitor Rule that you defined in step 2 to items that you are monitoring. You can apply the rule to multiple items or an item classification. The following steps show how to apply the rule to one item.
    1. Log into Sterling Business Center as an Item Administrator.
    2. At the home page, click the Products tab.
    3. From the Products home page, click Find Item in the Catalog dashlet.
    4. In the Item Search screen, enter the search criteria and then click Search to view a list of all the available items. Alternatively, use either the Basic Search or the Advanced Search option to narrow down the list of items displayed.
    5. In the Items panel that is displayed, click the Item ID hyperlink. Alternatively, double-click the row that contains the Item ID. In this example, select the Item ID for guitar.
    6. Click Manage Primary Information.
    7. The Primary Information screen is displayed. In the Related Tasks panel, click Manage Inventory Information.
    8. In the Inventory Information screen, change the ATP Monitor Rule and the node-level ATP monitor rule to "TestRule", which is the ATP monitor rule that was created in step 2. Click Save to save your changes
  4. Configure RTAM to consider the shipping and pickup delivery methods by passing "SHP" and "PICK" in the DeliveryMethodListToMonitor list element in the manageInventoryMonitorRule API. For details, see Javadoc.
  5. Configure RTAM to consider capacity in the manageInventoryMonitorRule API. Also, ensure that you set OrgCode to "Matrix_Corp" and ATPMonitorRule to "TestRule" in the API. For details, see Javadoc.
  6. Configure an event that forces RTAM to run for all items at the store. To configure the event:
    1. In the Applications Manager, select Applications > Applications Platform from the menu.
    2. Double-click Process Modeling.
    3. Select the General tab and double-click the General process type to open it.
    4. Expand the Transactions tree in the left pane and double-click Capacity Change to open it.
    5. In the Events tab, configure the ON_STD_CAPACITY_FILLED event to call getInventoryItemList and createInventoryActivity. Set the "Processed" flag to "F" and enable the event.
    6. Click the Save icon.
  7. Start the RTAM agent defined earlier in this task:
    1. Start the RTAM agent by going to the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/ directory and entering the following command:
      ./ RTAMAgent ../logs/RTAMAgent.log
    2. Monitor the RTAM agent:
      tail -f ../logs/RTAMAgent.log
      Or you can use the System Management Console to enable verbose logging.
    3. Trigger the RTAM agent: