Reviewing the UpgradeLog files

You can review the UpgradeLog files to monitor the progress of the upgrade. Sterling Order Management System Software generates the UpgradeLog files as part of the upgrade process and after each history and transaction target runs, updates the appropriate UpgradeLog file with information about the target.

Review the following UpgradeLog files:
  • UpgradeLog.xml in the <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration directory. This file provides information about targets that are run from <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration.
  • Addin_UpgradeLog.xml in the <INSTALL_DIR>/COM/Migration/9.5 directory. This file provides information about targets that are run from <INSTALL_DIR>/COM/Migration/9.5.
The files contain the following information about targets:
  • Details about the target, such as the target’s name
  • Version of the hop for the target
  • Status about each target, specifically whether the target succeeded or failed
  • Link to the log file for the target
  • Start-time and end-time for the target


For example, if the copyextensions target runs as part of an upgrade from Version 9.3 to 10.0, the Sterling Order Management System Software updates the UpgradeLog.xml file to include the following element:

<Task EndTime="11/09/2012 01.56.35 AM" Name="copyextensions" 
StartTime="11/09/2012 01.56.30 AM" Status="Finished" Version="9.1"/>
The element corresponds to the copyextensions target and contains the following attributes:
  • Name indicates the name of the target. In this example, the name is copyextensions.
  • Version 9.1 indicates the target ran in only the last hop, which is Version 9.1 to Version 9.2. The Version attribute indicates the previous version number for the hop. In this case, the previous version number is 9.1.
  • StartTime indicates the start-time for the target. In this example, the start-time is Nov. 9, 2012 at 1:56:30 a.m.
  • EndTime indicates the end-time for the target. In this example, the end-time is Nov. 9, 2012 at 1:56:35 a.m.
  • Status indicates the target ran successfully.

LogFile is not included in the element because the log file is provided by the user and is not generated internally by the upgrade process.

The copyextensions target runs only once as part of a multi-hop upgrade from Version 9.3 to 10.0; however, some targets run multiple times in a multi-hop upgrade. In this case, the UpgradeLog file includes information about the child hop versions for the target. Information is grouped by target. For example, if the migration-validation target runs as part of a multi-hop upgrade from Version 9.3 to 10.0, the UpgradeLog.xml file is updated with the following element:

<Task EndTime="11/09/2018 01.57.56 AM" Name="migration-validation"
Starttime="11/09/2018 01.57.40 AM" Status="FAILED" Version="9.5>
	<Task EndTime="11/09/2018 01.57.55 AM" LogFile="./9.4/migration-
	validation-9.4-9.5.log" Name="migration-validation"
	StartTime="11/09/2018 01.57.45 AM" Status="FAILED" Version="9.4">
		<Task EndTime="11/09/2018 01.57.53 AM" LogFile="./9.3/migrtion-
		validation-9.3-9.4.log" Name="migration-validation"
		StartTime="11/09/2018 01.57.49 AM" Status="FINISHED"
		Version="9.3" />

In this example, the root migration-validation element corresponds to the Version 9.5 to 10.0 hop and contains nested child elements that correspond to the Version 9.3 to 9.4 hop and the Version 9.4 to 9.5 hop. The status indicates that the Version 9.3 to 9.4 hop succeeded but the Version 9.4 to 9.5 hop failed. Thus, the root migration-validation target failed.