Load factory setup data for Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy)

The factory setup data for Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) is loaded during product installation or when running loadFactoryDefaults script. However, to load the factory setup data explicitly, use the following procedure:

About this task

To load the factory defaults, perform the following steps:


  1. Ensure that the path to the Java executable is in your system path.
  2. Ensure that your <INSTALL_DIR> environment variable is setup correctly.
  3. Load the factory defaults by executing the following script from the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin directory.
    • Windows
      .\loadDefaults.cmd  <INSTALL_DIR>\installed_data\wsc\factorysetup\wsc_store_installer.xml <INSTALL_DIR>\installed_data\wsc\factorysetup\XMLS
      ./loadDefaults.sh  <INSTALL_DIR>/installed_data/wsc/factorysetup/wsc_store_installer.xml <INSTALL_DIR>/installed_data/wsc/factorysetup/XMLS