Performing a text-based interactive installation
This text-based, command-line installation can be performed without a browser and Launchpad. You can install the software by using the IBM Installation Manager. If you have not yet downloaded IBM Installation Manager, the installation will check for this and automatically offer to download Installation Manager for you.
Before you begin
If you are upgrading from a previous release, stop any running instances of the previous installation.
- Close all open programs and any command prompt windows.
Open a command prompt window. From the folder location in which you extracted your downloaded
product files, enter the following command:
For installation in English language:
InstallerImage_<OS>/userinstc.exe -c
Example:InstallerImage_Windows/userinstc.exe -c
. Here-c
stands for command line.For installation in another, supported language:
InstallerImage_<OS>/userinstc.exe -c -nl <locale_code>
Example:InstallerImage_Windows/userinstc.exe -c -nl fr_CA
For installation in English language:
InstallerImage_<OS>/userinstc -c
Example:./InstallerImage_AIX/userinstc -c
For installation in another, supported language:
./InstallerImage_<OS>/userinstc -c -nl <locale_code>
Example:./InstallerImage_AIX/userinstc -c -nl fr_CA
- Select the packages and versions for installation and press Enter.
- Choose A to accept the license agreement and press Enter. Press Enter again to continue to the next screen.
Choose a location for the Shared Resources directory. The default is IBM\SDPShared.
- To accept the default, press Enter.
- To choose a different directory, type M and press Enter. Type the path and directory name and press Enter. Press Enter again to continue to the next screen.
- Choose an installation location. If you select a directory that already exists, an error
message is displayed.
- To accept the default, press Enter.
- To choose a different directory, type M and press Enter. Type the path and directory name and press Enter. Press Enter again to continue to the next screen.
Type the number associated with the language for which you want to install the Sterling Order Management System Software language pack
Make a selection by typing the corresponding number, such as 3 for French, and then press Enter. After you select an option, the prompt is displayed again. You can choose another option (1 to 13) or press Enter to continue to the next step.
Select the features to install:
- Product Files - selected by default.
- Enable Sharded Database - Select this option if you plan to use sharded database
mode.Note: Sharded Database Mode is supported in Sterling Order Management System Software version 10.0 Fix Pack 7, or later.
- Enable Upgrade - select if you are upgrading from a previous release or if you are doing a new installation, but want to apply DDL manually after installation. Do not select this option if you are doing a new sharded database installation.
- Install Reference Implementation - this option is supported only for nonsharded environments.
- Enter the path and name for the JDK home directory and press Enter. This pathname should have no spaces.
- Choose whether to have the installer create a copy of the JDK folders under your installation directory. The default is Yes (create the copy). Press Enter to accept the default and continue. If you do not want a copy of the JDK made, type N and press Enter.
If you selected Enable Sharded Database in step 8, perform a sharded
installation. Choose whether to "Enable mixed database vendor support" by entering Y or
N. The default is N. Select Y if you want to use more than one database vendor. If you
want to use only one database vendor, type N and then press Enter. Next, enter the
option number for the database that you want to use (1 for Db2 or 2 for Oracle), and press
Enter again.
The sharded installation continues with the following steps.
- Enter the location and name of the database driver jars for the database vendors. After you enter a jar name, you can type A to add a jar, type N to remove the jar or type D if you are done with the entry.
Configure connection data for each shard type (Metadata, Statistics, Configuration, Master, and
Transaction shards). When configuring shards, you have the option to select Create new database
shard configuration, which prompts you to enter the following database information for the
shard, or if you already configured a shard, you can select Reuse existing database shard
configuration, which populates the configuration data with existing database information:
- Enter the Database vendor and press Enter. If you are using only one database vendor, you do not pick the database vendor type for each connection.
- Enter the Database user name and press Enter.
- Enter Database password and press Enter.
- Enter Database password and press Enter.
- Enter the Database catalog Name and press Enter.
- Enter the Database Hostname (or IP address) and press Enter.
- Enter the Database Port Number and press Enter.
- Enter the Database schema name and press Enter.
Note:- The Transaction and Master database shard configuration must have the same connection data.
- The default schema names are always the same as the user name, except that the schema names are all uppercase. This applies to both nonsharded and sharded scenarios.
To validate the database connection, type Y (validate the connection), or N (do not attempt to connect). If a message saying the connection failed is displayed, verify the information you entered in all fields and try validating again.
If you do not select Enable Sharded Database in step 8, perform a
nonsharded installation. Enter information for the following fields:
- Enter the Database user name and press Enter.
- Enter Database password and press Enter.
- Enter Database password and press Enter.
- Enter the Database catalog Name and press Enter.
- Enter the Database Hostname (or IP address) and press Enter.
- Enter the Database Port Number and press Enter.
- Enter the Database schema name and press Enter.
Note: The default schema names are always the same as the user name, except that the schema names are all uppercase. This applies to both nonsharded and sharded scenarios.To validate the database connection, type Y (validate the connection), or N (do not attempt to connect). If a message saying the connection failed is displayed, verify the information you entered in all fields and try validating again. Once all information is entered, you can choose B (back) if you want to change information, or choose N (next) to continue to the next step.
- If you choose Db2 in Step 11 or 12, opt to enable database multibyte support. Type Y or N and press Enter. If you have chosen Oracle, then, there are no additional database properties to configure.
- Enter the ADDITIONAL_ANT_JAVA_TASK_ARGS memory parameter settings for your operating system and press Enter.
- Enter the ADDITIONAL_ANT_COMPILER_TASK_ARGS memory parameter settings for your operating system and press Enter. Press Enter again to confirm your choices.
- Type G (Generate an Installation response file) to have an XML file that contains the install prompts and your responses created.
- When prompted, type the location and name for the file and press Enter. Use "xml" as the file extension.
Once a message saying that the file was successfully created is displayed, press Enter.
The previous screen is displayed again, with the same options. This time, type I (Install) to
start the installation.
A progress bar is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
- When the installation is complete, a status screen is displayed.
- Continue to post-installation tasks and configuration procedures that you must complete before running the Sterling Order Management System Software software. For more information, refer Post installation section.
- Select Setup Runtime for Docker Build and then click Next.
- By default, the option to copy JDK to your installation directory is
selected. If you do not want to copy JDK to your installation directory, clear the check box and
enter the location and name of the JDK home directory. Copy the following jars to the
directory.- serializer.jar
- xalan.jar
- xercesImpl.jar
- xml-apis.jar
- In the Memory Arguments screen, enter the
memory parameter settings for your operating system. For more information, refer Memory parameter settings. - Select the Database Vendor. Click Add Jars, select the Database driver jars, and then click Next.
- Review the summary and then click Install to start
the installation. A progress bar is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
- When the installation is complete, a status screen is displayed. Click
Finish. You can also view the installation log from this screen.Note: If the
directory is not removed by the post installation cleanup process, you can delete it. It is only used for installation. - Exit Installation Manager.
- Continue to post-installation tasks and configuration procedures that you must complete before running the Sterling Order Management System Software software. For more information, refer Post installation section.
What to do next
Secure the Sterling Order Management System Software environment by setting up encryption for various components such as properties, database, and so on.