Creating a transaction dependency rule

You can create a transaction dependency rule.

About this task

To create a transaction dependency rule:


  1. From the Transaction Dependency Group Detail window, choose the Create New icon from the Transaction Dependency Rules list. The Transaction Dependency Rule Detail window displays.
  2. Enter information into the applicable fields. Refer to Table 1 for field value descriptions.
  3. Choose the Save icon.
    Table 1. Transaction dependency rule detail window
    Field Description
    Dependency Enter the name for this transaction dependency.
    Apply Dependency To Any Order Line Having From the drop-down list, select the criterion you want to use for the order lines to which this dependency can be applied.

    Depending on the criterion you select, you may have to indicate specific items, or service types. To specify these items or service types, choose the Details icon.. The corresponding list screen displays.

    Condition The condition that is created for this transaction dependency rule. The order fulfillment condition builder displays.

    The field values of the order fulfillment condition builder are provided in the ORDER_TRANDEP_CONDITION template.

    <OrderLine LineType="" OrderedQty="">
    <LinePriceInfo LineTotal="" UnitPrice=""/>
    <Order BuyerOrganizationCode="" EnterpriseCode="" OrderType="" SellerOrganizationCode=""/>

    Note: The Zoom In icon is disabled in the condition builder screen since there are no related entities affected by this condition.
    Allow Transaction To Execute Only If The Following Conditions Are Met From this drop-down list, select the transaction that is allowed to run based on the conditions indicated in this transaction dependency rule.
    Dependency Rule Constraints
    The dependency constraints are populated based on the created rule. For information about creating the dependency rule constraints, see Creating a dependency rule constraint.