Adding nodes/external organizations to a distribution group

You can add nodes or external organizations to a distribution group.

About this task

To add a node/external organization to a distribution group:


  1. In the Distribution Group Details window, choose the Create New icon. The Distribution Details pop-up window displays.
  2. Enter information into the applicable fields. Refer to Table 1 for field value descriptions.
  3. Choose the Save icon.


If you adding nodes or external organizations to a distribution group, do not use the advanced tab. Use sourcing rules instead.

Table 1. Distribution details window
Field Description
Source Ship Node Select Source Ship Node and select the applicable node if you want to add a node within your organization to the distribution group.
Source Organization Select Source Organization and select the applicable organization if you want to add an external organization to the distribution group.
Priority Enter the node/external organization's priority within the distribution group.
Note: Priority is not unique to a distribution group, therefore more than one distribution group can have the same priority.