Upgrade Upgrade_V1 to Release 10.0

You can review the example for an Upgrade_V1 environment upgrading to Release 10.0.

About this task

In this example, the Upgrade_V1 environment is upgraded to Release 10.0 (Upgrade_V2), by performing the following tasks, as shown in Figure 1:


In sharded mode, upgrade the Upgrade_V1 environment to Release 10.0. When you perform a sharded upgrade, all colonies in the upgrade environment are upgraded, including the colonies' shards. In this case, Upgrade_V1 and its colonies CLY1 and DEFAULT are upgraded to Release 10.0. The CONFIGURATION, STATISTICS, and TRANSACTION/MASTER shards for CLY1 are upgraded to Release 10.0.
Note: Upgrade_V2 and Upgrade_V1 share the same METADATA shard, which contains database information about CLY1's CONFIGURATION, STATISTICS, and TRANSACTION/MASTER shards.
Figure 1. Upgrade upgrade_v1 to Release 10.0
A flow chart of upgrading upgrade_v1 to Release 9.4