Order fulfillment: creating an event rule

You can create an event rule.

About this task

To create an event rule:


  1. From the tree in the application rules side panel, choose Document Specific > (Document Type) > Fulfillment > Monitor Events. The Monitor Events window displays.
  2. From the Monitor Events list, choose the Create New icon. The Monitor Events Details window displays.
  3. Enter information in the applicable fields. Refer to Table 1 for field value descriptions.
  4. Choose the Save icon.
    Table 1. Monitor event details pop-up window.

    Monitor event details field value descriptions

    Field Description
    Event ID Enter the event ID.
    Description Enter a brief description of the event.
    Requires Realert Select this field if you want users to be re-alerted if the issue has not been resolved within a certain timeframe.
    Realert Interval If you selected Requires Realert, enter the interval (in hours) that re-alerts should be sent.
    Automatically Resolve Alerts This flag must be checked to trigger a monitor event every time an alert condition is detected on an order. To trigger an alert only once when the alert condition is met, uncheck this flag.
    Event Identified By
    Order Select this field if you want two or more alert conditions to be treated the same if they belong to the same order.
    Note: This field can be selected in conjunction with Order Line and/or Order Release fields.
    Order Line Select this field if you want two or more alert conditions to be treated the same if they belong to the same order line.
    Note: This field can be selected in conjunction with Order and/or Order Release fields.
    Order Release Select this field if you want two or more alert conditions to be treated the same if they belong to the same order release.
    Note: This field can be selected in conjunction with Order and/or Order Line fields.
    Ship Node Select this field if you want two or more alert conditions to be treated the same if they belong to the same ship node.
    Note: This field must be used in conjunction with the Order, Order Line, and/or Order Release fields.
    Seller Organization Select this field if you want two or more alert conditions to be treated the same if they belong to the same Seller.
    Note: This field must be used in conjunction with the Order, Order Line, and/or Order Release fields.
    Buyer Organization Select this field if you want two or more alert conditions to be treated the same if they belong to the same Buyer.
    Note: This field must be used in conjunction with the Order, Order Line, and/or Order Release fields.
    Service To Be Invoked Select the alert service to be invoked should the event consolidation rule conditions be met.
    Aggregate And Invoke Service For
    Order Select this field if you want only one alert to be raised for an order when alert conditions are detected.
    Order Line Select this field if you want only one alert to be raised per order line when alert conditions are detected.
    Order Release Select this field if you want only one alert to be raised for an order release when alert conditions are detected.
    Ship Node Select this field if you want only one alert to be raised for a particular ship node when alert conditions are detected.
    Seller Organization Select this field if you want only one alert to be raised for a particular Seller when alert conditions are detected.
    Buyer Organization Select this field if you want only one alert to be raised for a particular Buyer when alert conditions are detected.
    Note: In most cases the attributes that identify an event should be a subset of the attributes that specify event aggregation.