Associate a target to a subscription

You can follow the steps to associate a target to a description.

About this task

To associate a target to a subscription:


  1. Navigate to the Subscription Details screen. To navigate to the Subscription Details screen, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to Sterling Business Center as an administrator or a user with data synchronization permissions.
    2. The application home page is displayed. In the Data Synchronization dashlet, click Find Subscription.
      The Subscription Search screen is displayed.
    3. In the Subscription Search screen, click Search, or enter the search criteria to narrow down the search results, and click Search to complete a basic search.
    4. The subscriptions that match the search criteria are displayed. Each of the listed subscriptions is a hyperlink. Click the subscription to view its details.

      The Subscription Details screen is displayed.

  2. Select the Targets tab. Click Add. The Find Target window opens.
  3. Click Search, or enter the search criteria to narrow down the search results, and click Search to perform a basic search.
  4. In the search results list that is displayed, select the target that you want to associate to a subscription, and click Select.

    The target is associated with the subscription.