Applying a sourcing template to a sourcing rule

You can apply a sourcing template to a sourcing rule.

About this task

To apply a sourcing template to a sourcing rule:


  1. From the Sourcing Rule Window, choose the Create New icon from the Sourced From List panel. The Sourced From Details pop-up window displays.
  2. Enter information into the applicable fields. Refer to Table 1 for field value descriptions.
  3. Choose the Save icon.
    Table 1. Sourced from details pop-up window
    Field Description
    Sequence No Enter the sequence priority.
    Template Type Select a sourcing template from the drop-down list. After choosing a template, it displays dynamically in the lower panel. If applicable, populate the template by clicking as indicated. The search window displays, where you can select the correct entities.

    The sourcing rule applies the template based on the sequence number. For example, if the sequence number for Primary Vendor sourcing template is 1 and for Ship Node it is 2, the sourcing rule first considers the Primary Vendor template for sourcing the item. If the Primary Vendor template does not have inventory to source the item, the sourcing rule considers the Ship Node template for sourcing the item.

    Substitution Is Allowed Check this box if substitution of product items within an order is allowed.
    Procure/Transfer to this Node when inventory is not available Check this box if the node handles transfer orders or procurement purchase orders. For more information about transfer orders and procurement purchase orders, see Defining a node’s relationships and Defining procurement rules.
    Expand to the next sourcing sequence to minimize number of shipments Check this box if you want sourcing for product items to expand to the next sourcing sequence to minimize the number of shipments. This expansion occurs only if the expandAllLines property in or is not set and the scheduling optimization rule type is 03 (Optimize on Cost, Number of Shipments.) In any case, if product items are unavailable, sourcing always expands to the next sequence until the product item is found.
    Work Order Creation Is Allowed Check this box if you want to use Work Orders to support compliance services at the node(s). Work Orders describe the service activities to customize items based on a buyer's requests.
    Consider only those nodes that are This option is enabled when you select "Receiving Node's <...>" or "Distribution Group" or "All Nodes of Types" Template Type from the drop-down list.

    Based on the "Radius" and "RadiusUOM" set, the system will expand only those nodes in the Distribution Group whose distance from the 'ShipTo' location is within set miles.

    For example, if you set "Radius" as 100 and "RadiusUOM" as MILE, the system will expand only those nodes in the Distribution Group whose distance from the 'ShipTo' location is within 100.0 miles.

    Consider Only Those Nodes That Have A Minimum Available Capacity of <capacity>% Within The Next <number of days> Day(s) Use this field to specify the capacity percentage for each node and the number of days to which that capacity applies. Only nodes that have this level of capacity available will be used; if a node does not meet this defined availability percentage, it will not be used.
    Is Smart Sourcing Allowed Check this box if you want to use smart sourcing for product items. Smart sourcing dynamically performs inventory lookup and determines the nodes to consider for sourcing product items.
    Consider the following inventory during sourcing
    All Inventory Select this option to consider both the onhand and future inventory.
    Inventory that will be available in the next <number of days> day(s) Select this option to consider inventory that will be made available in the specified number of days.

    Enter the number of day(s) in the text box indicating how far in the future from the requested ship date that the inventory should be considered.

    Only Onhand Inventory Select this option to consider only onhand inventory.
    Use Shipping/Delivery Sourcing Rule Inventory Window Select this option to use the Shipping or Delivery Sourcing Rule Inventory Window.
    Note: The Sourced From Details window is applicable for Product Sourcing only.