Creating or Modifying the multischema.xml file

The multischema.xml file lets you update database parameters for colonies. This file is generated by the initcolonypool target, which uses the METADATA shard from the target's specified run time to build the multischema.xml file.

The multischema.xml file contains database information for the METADATA, CONFIGURATION, STATISTICS, and TRANSACTION/MASTER shards for each colony on the run time. After the multischema.xml file is generated, you can update database information by modifying the file, and then invoking the updatecolonypool target.

Parameters for multischema.xml

For each colony on the run time, specify the information as shown in the following sample snippet:
         <colony name="DEFAULT" pkprefix="20" version="10.0">
            <schema poolid="DEFAULT_STATISTICS" tabletype="STATISTICS"/>
            <schema poolid="DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION" tabletype="CONFIGURATION"/>
            <schema poolid="DEFAULT_TRANSACTION" tabletype="TRANSACTION"/>
            <schema poolid="DEFAULT_MASTER" tabletype="MASTER"/>
  • name=
    Identifies the colony, such as "Colony-01".
  • version=
    Identifies the colony's version, such as "9.5".
  • newversion=
    If updating the colony, identifies the version to which you are upgrading the colony, such as "10.0".
  • status=
    Changes the status of the colony. For example, you can change the status of the colony to "UPGRADE". If you do not want to change the status, specify "".
  • pkprefix=
    Identifies the colony's pkprefix, such as "11".
  • schema poolid=
    Identifies a shard for each table type. In addition to the table types that you define, each colony contains the METADATA, CONFIGURATION, STATISTICS, TRANSACTION, and MASTER table types.

    These table types refer to the shards identified by the <pool id= " "> sections of the multischema.xml file.

For each shard, identified by table types in the <colonies> section of the multischema.xml file, specify the information as shown in the following sample snippet:
                <param name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@"/>
                <param name="user" value="omdb_stat"/>
                <param name="password" value="omdb_stat"/>
                <param name="driver" value="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"/>
                <param name="schema" value="OMDB_STAT"/>
                <param name="dbvendor” value="Oracle"/>
                <param name="datasource" value="jdbc/OMDB_STAT"/>
  • id= " "
    Specify the pool id,
    such as id= "DEFAULT_METADATA".
  • "url" value=
    Specify the URL to connect to the database.

    If using Oracle, set to: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<DatabaseServerHostname/IPaddress>:<TNSListenerPortNumber>:<DatabaseSID>

    If using Db2, set to:
    jdbc:db2://<Database ServerHostname>:<Port Number>/<Database name>.<db_user> Database user name

  • "user" value=
    Specify the user name associated with the database.
  • "password" value=
    Specify the password associated with the database.
  • "dbvendor" value =
    Specify the database vendor name.

    Valid values: Db2 and Oracle

  • "datasource" value=
    Specify the jndiName to be used for the connection.
  • "driver" value=
    Specify the class name of your database driver as follows.

    If using Db2, set to:

    If using Oracle, set to:

  • "schema" value=
    Specify the shard name associated with the database if it is different from the "user" value you entered.

    This parameter is case sensitive, and you must specify it in UPPERCASE.