Creating a charge category

You can create a charge category.

About this task

To create a charge category:


  1. In the Applications Manager, in the tree in the application rules side panel, choose Document Specific > Return Order > Financials > Financial Attributes.
    The Charge Categories window displays in the work area.
  2. Choose the Create New icon.
    The Charge Category Details window displays.
  3. In Charge Category, enter the name of the charge category.
  4. In Description, enter a brief description of the charge category.
  5. Select Billable if the charge is billable. Non-billable charges are not considered in order totals, but do appear in invoices.
  6. Select Discount if the charge you are creating is a discount charge type.
  7. Select Consider For Profit Margin if the category should be used for profit margin calculation.
  8. Select Refundable if the charge is refundable.
  9. Choose the Save icon.
    Note: Charge categories cannot be localized.