Fulfillment specific components: transactions
Every process type has a set of base transactions defined for it. A transaction is a logical unit of work that is necessary for performing activity within Sterling Order Management System Software.
About this task
Base transactions are predefined transactions that contain information about how the transaction behaves, such as how many copies of a transaction can be kept in a process type and whether or not it can have configurable base pick and drop statuses. Base transactions can be used to create new transactions. These transactions can be changed within the limits defined in the base transaction.
To view the transaction details for a reverse logistics pipeline:
Field | Description |
Authorize Return | This transaction represents the process manually authorizing a return at a receiving node. |
Change Return | This transaction represents any modifications that may be made to a return. |
Change Return Release | This transaction represents any modifications that may be made to a return release. |
Change Schedule | This transaction represents any modifications that may be made to a return release's scheduling logic. |
Close Receipt | This transaction represents a receipt being closed. |
Close Return | This transaction represents a return being closed. |
Confirm Draft Return | This transaction represents a draft return is manually confirmed and considered an actual return in the system. |
Consolidate To Shipment | This transaction represents the process of finding a shipment into which a given return release can be included. |
Create Draft Return | This transaction represents the creation of a draft return in the system. |
Create Derived Return Order | This transaction represents the creation of an exchange order in the system. |
Create Return | This transaction represents the creation of a return in the system. |
Create Return Invoice | This transaction represents the process of invoicing an existing return. |
Enhanced Return Monitor | This transaction represents the an alternate return monitor featuring an advanced set of parameters used to monitor returns in the system. |
Import Return | This transaction represents the process of importing a return that has already been processed to some extent by an external system. |
Include Order In Shipment | This transaction represents the process of adding a return to an existing shipment. This transaction is internally invoked the confirmShipment API. |
Payment Collection | This transaction represents the process of requesting credit validation for returns that are pending authorization or charging. |
Payment Execution | This transaction represents the processing of all requests that are pending authorization and charging. |
Purge Return | This transaction represents a return that can be purged moved from the tables into history tables. |
Purge Return History | This transaction represents the process of purging returns from the history tables and removing them from the system. |
Purge Status Audit | This transaction represents the process of removing return status audit data from the system. |
Receive Return | This listener transaction monitors the reverse logistics pipeline and indicates when the return for an order has been received at the receiving node. |
Remove Order From Shipment | This transaction represents the process of removing a return from an existing shipment. This transaction is internally invoked the confirmShipment API. |
Schedule Return | This transaction represents the process of scheduling returns to specific receiving nodes. |
Send Invoice | This transaction represents the process of publishing invoice data that can be directed to an external accounts receivable systems. |
Ship Order | This transaction is internally invoked the confirmShipment API. |
Ship Shipment | This transaction is internally invoked the confirmShipment API. |
Synchronize Task Queue | This transaction represents the process of synching the return logistics task queue. |
Unschedule | This transaction represents the process of unscheduling a return that has already been scheduled to a receiving node. |
Unreceive | This transaction represents the process of moving a return that has been received back into unreceived status. |