Defining customer grades

You can define customer grades that, when assigned to customers, enable you to offer a higher discount to a customer with an excellent rating and a smaller or no discount to a customer with a lower rating.

About this task

Note: Sterling Order Management System Software does not validate whether customer grade configurations cover the entire range of customer ratings in Business Intelligence.

To define customer grades:


  1. From the tree in the application rules side panel, choose
    Cross Application > Customer > Business Intelligence > Customer Grades.

The Customer Grades window displays in the work area.

  1. Enter information in the applicable fields. For field value descriptions, refer to Table 1.
    Table 1. Customer grades window
    Field Description
    Grade Code Enter a grade code for the customer. For example, you could enter A for an excellent customer or B for an average customer.
    Description Enter a description of the grade code. For example, you could enter Excellent or Average.
    Minimum Rating Enter the minimum rating value for the grade.
    Note: Ensure that the ratings for different grades do not overlap with each other. If the customer ratings do overlap, an error message is displayed.
    Maximum Rating Enter the maximum rating value for the grade.
    Note: Ensure that the ratings for different grades do not overlap with each other. If the customer ratings do overlap, an error message is displayed.
  2. Click the Save icon.