Set up the IBM® Sterling Call Center application on the on-premises
Before you begin
Ensure that you install IBM Sterling Order Management System Software version 10.0.2309.1 or later, which
includes Sterling Call Center availability on premises.
About this task
IBM Sterling Call Center is a user interface (UI) application that requires a web server
to serve the UI content such as html, JavaScript, css, or images. The IBM Sterling Call Center UI makes mashup calls to the Sterling Order Management System Software application server. The recommended
web server is nginx and the IBM Sterling Call Center installation sets up the necessary
location directives in the nginx configuration. The nginx server is only used to serve UI assets,
and many of those assets get cached by the client browser. For high availability, it is recommended
that you install multiple nginx servers, but it is not critical for performance. IBM Sterling Call Center is not dependent on any minimum version of nginx.
To setup the mashup server, see Installing the mashup server.
Install nginx as your web server. For more information, see
Go to the callcenter directory:
cd <runtime>/repository/callcenter
Extract the callcenter archive by running the following command:
Grant the Sterling Call Center setup script the execute (x)
permission by running the following command:
chmod +x
- Make a copy of the file as by running the following command:
Update the file.
- Uncomment the HTML_DIRECTORY and
CONFIG_DIRECTORY properties that are applicable to your operating system. If
necessary, update them to point to your web server's HTML and configuration
- Update the MASHUP_SERVER to point to the host and port where the
mashup server is running.
If the mashup server requires SSL, set
The MASHUP_SERVER follows the hostname|ip:port
If the
, modify the
to remove the comment for the following
directives under the
proxy_ssl_certificate CONFIG_DIRECTORY/call-center/certs/icc.pem;
# proxy_ssl_certificate_key CONFIG_DIRECTORY/call-center/certs/icc.key;
# proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate CONFIG_DIRECTORY/call-center/certs/icc_ca.pem;
Note: Place the mashup server certificates in the
CONFIG_DIRECTORY/call-center/certs directory before you delete the comment for
these directives.
Run the Sterling Call Center setup script:
By default, the script installs the
Sterling Call Center UI and the Storybook for UI development.
- Follow the steps that are provided after you run
to configure your server.
For the first time setup, update the nginx configuration. If you are upgrading the application,
you can skip this step.
To update the nginx configuration, complete the following tasks.
Examples of your final nginx configuration with SSL and non-SSL
# The mashup-server.conf should be included outside of the server blocks
include CONFIG_DIRECTORY/call-center/upstream/mashup-server.conf;
# (Optional): Include this file to setup the call-center development server
include CONFIG_DIRECTORY/call-center/dev-server/default.conf;
# Non-SSL server configuration
server {
listen 80;
server_name hostname; # Set the hostname to match the domain
access_log /var/log/nginx/host.access.log main;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
error_page 404 /404.html;
# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
# Standalone server serving call-center application only
# include all the call-center configuration files if this is a standalone nginx server
# that's only serving the call-center application
include CONFIG_DIRECTORY/call-center/*.conf;
# Shared server also serving other apps along with call-center
# include only the locations.conf to serve the call-center UI in a server that's also
# serving other applications. Review the other call-center configurations
# and include directives that are relevant or missing
#include CONFIG_DIRECTORY/call-center/locations.conf;
#include CONFIG_DIRECTORY/orderhub/orderhub.conf;
# SSL server configuration
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name hostname; # Set the hostname to match the domain
ssl_certificate CONFIG_DIRECTORY/certs/certificate.pem; # setup the certificate
ssl_certificate_key CONFIG_DIRECTORY/certs/privateKey.key; # setup the private key
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
server_tokens off;
# Standalone server serving call-center application only
# include all the call-center configuration files if this is a standalone nginx server
# that's only serving the call-center application
include CONFIG_DIRECTORY/call-center/*.conf;
# Shared server also serving other apps along with call-center
# include only the locations.conf to serve the call-center UI in a server that's also
# serving other applications. Review the other call-center configurations
# and include directives that are relevant or missing
#include CONFIG_DIRECTORY/call-center/locations.conf;
#include CONFIG_DIRECTORY/orderhub/orderhub.conf;
- If you are installing Sterling Call Center for the first time, you can skip
this step. If you are upgrading the application, copy the contents of
<runtime>/repository/callcenter/src/call-center and
<runtime>/repository/callcenter/storybook to the
- Start or restart your web server.
You can then access
Sterling Call Center from the applicable URL:
- http://<hostname>:<port>/call-center
- https://<hostname>:<port>/call-center
hostname is the hostname where the web server is running, and
port is the port number that is configured in the web server
Note: If you need to change the OMS environment hostname or port, then update the
file and run