Importing configuration differences using the CDT

About this task

You can import configuration differences that are obtained by exporting comparison results.

The Configuration Deployment Tool does not support data that contains special characters when comparing databases, exporting comparison results or importing comparison results.

For more information about exporting comparison results, see Exporting comparison results using the CDT.

To import configuration differences:


  1. Run the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/ydk.cmd script. This script opens a Microsoft Windows console and starts the Sterling Order Management System Software Development and Deployment WorkBench.
  2. From the Sterling Order Management System Software Development and Deployment WorkBench menu, choose Tools > Deployment > Import Results. The Sterling Order Management System Software Configuration Deployment Tool Import dialog box displays.
  3. Choose the Target button and enter the values appropriate for the Target database. Then choose the Import File and enter the path of the file to be imported.

    When you are finished, close the dialog box by clicking OK.

  4. After the comparison results are loaded, you can perform any of the following actions: