About setting CDV tool preferences
You can configure preferences (such as a Reports Directory) and parameters for resolving conflicts for the Configuration Data Versioning.
Before you can use the comparison tools, you must create version labels for the databases using the Applications Manager.
Conflict handling
You can enable conflict handling by selecting Conflict Handling for Version Deployment in Preferences. This is used to prevent overriding of any subsequent changes that occur on the target database.
For example, TaxPayerID has changed from “A” to “B” based on the audit information on the source database. However, on the target database the TaxPayerID has been changed from “A” to “C.” When the change is obtained from the source database and compared with the current value in the target database, the system will detect that the value is no longer “A” and present that to the user for validation.
There are three levels of enforcement:
- Validate Old Values: When enabled, the system will detect conflict based on the expected old value of an attribute of a record of the obtained changes from the source database vs. the current value of the corresponding record in the target database. The details screen displays the conflicting attributes.
- Validate Lockid: When enabled, the system detects
conflict based on the expected Lockid of a record of the obtained
changes from the source database vs. the current Lockid of the corresponding
record in the target database. When a conflict is detected, you cannot
deploy the changes. If this is selected, the following occurs:
- The Details screen will display this highlighted text: Conflicting Lockid – Deploy Action is disabled.
- The conflicting attributes with the Expected Old Values will be displayed.
- The Deploy action will be disabled until all conflicts
are resolved.
Lockid validation is not available for the audit records created before the Sterling Order Management System Software Release 8.0.
- Validate Record Exists Before Delete: When enabled, the system will validate the record exists in the target database before it attempts to delete it. If the record is not there, the operation will be marked as a conflict.