Adding advanced distribution details to a distribution group (For backward compatibility only)

You can add specific details, such as sourcing information, and assign them a date range through which they are effective.

About this task

Note: IBM® strongly recommends the use of sourcing rules instead of advanced distribution groups. This feature is provided for backward compatibility purposes only.
Note: If setting up advanced distribution rules, do not use the base distribution rules under the distribution detail tab.

To add advanced distribution details to a distribution rule:


  1. In the Distribution Group Details window, choose the Advanced tab.
  2. From the Distribution table, choose the Create New icon. The Distribution Details pop-up window displays.
  3. Enter information in the applicable fields. Refer to Table 1 for field value descriptions.
  4. Choose the Save icon.
    Table 1. Advanced distribution details window
    Field Description
    All Items Select this option to apply the distribution rule to all of the items in the node you are setting the rule up for.
    Apply To A Specific Item At This Source Select this option to apply the distribution rule to a specific item in the node or organization you are setting the rule up for.
    Primary Info
    Item ID If you selected Apply To Specific Item At This Source, enter the item ID for which you are creating the Distribution Rule.
    Active Check Active if the distribution rules are active.
    Item Name at Ship Node If you selected Apply To Specific Item At This Source, enter the node's name for the item. The distribution record created for the inventory consolidator displays in the Inventory Console.
    Priority Enter a priority number for the node for this item and inventory scheduling, with 0 being the highest priority.
    Effective Start Date The date the distribution details take effect.
    Effective End Date The date after which the distribution details are no longer applied.
    Source Ship Node Choose Source Ship Node and select the applicable node if you are setting up the distribution details to be sourced from a particular ship node.
    Source Organization For Inventory Kept Externally Choose Source Organization and select the applicable organization if you are setting up the distribution details to be sourced from a particular organization.