Determining transit time

Transit time is defined as the time required to deliver the product to its ship-to location once it has been shipped from the shipping location.

If the two locations (shipping and receiving) are defined as transfer nodes, Sterling Order Management System Software looks up the transfer schedule setup between the two locations. If such a setup exists, the transit time is picked up from the transfer schedule.

If a transfer schedule setup does not exist between the shipping and receiving locations, the transit time is calculated either through a user exit or by using the Sterling Order Management System Software default logic.

  • A getDeliveryLeadTime user exit can be used to determine the transit time. This user exit is invoked whenever Sterling Order Management System Software needs to calculate the transit time. If you do not implement the user exit, you can set up Sterling Order Management System Software to work in one of the following two modes for transit time calculation
  • If using the Sterling Order Management System Software default logic, the transit time is calculated as:
       A fixed unit of time +  (the distance between ship-to and shipping 
       location/average distance per day). Distance is calculated using the 
       longitude and latitude definitions of the two zip codes involved.
    Note: If the zip codes of the locations (ship to and shipping) are not provided, the city, state, and country or region information of the locations is used to calculate the distance. In situations in which a city has multiple zip codes, the first zip code returned from the database is used to estimate distance.
  • The two parameters "fixed unit of time" and "average distance/day" are picked up from different configurations based on another enterprise-level configuration. Every Enterprise can specify the "Transit time calculation mode" parameter as one of the following:
    • Basic mode - transit time calculation does not consider the carrier and service being used for the transit time. The two parameters are used as configured at the enterprise level.
    • Advanced mode - transit time calculation is done based on carrier and carrier service combination level setup. The two parameters are used as configured at the combination level. If a carrier and carrier service combination data record does not exist in the database, Sterling Order Management System Software automatically switches to basic mode.
    • Based on Service mode - transit time calculation parameters are picked up from the Service record. The Carrier does not play a role in this mode. If no setup exists for the service, Sterling Order Management System Software automatically defaults to Basic mode.