
A Team is a collection of users who have common data access requirements.

Enterprises and nodes that are assigned to a team must belong to the same colony to which the owner (or creator) organization of the team belongs. Teams have access to specific document types, Enterprises, ship nodes, and customers.

If a user is not associated with a Team, that user is considered to have the least restrictive access, or default access to customer orders and information. A Team can further restrict the access to any enterprises, document types, or participating ship nodes that are a subset of the default access list.

Deployment Accelerator provides the Default_CSR_Team team that provides default access to all the data.

Teams are used to restrict data access. The default team provides default access to all the nodes and enterprise data.

Viewing team details

To view the team details, perform the following steps:
  1. Launch the Applications Manager.

    To launch the Applications Manager, from the Application Console menu, click Configuration > Launch Applications Manager. The Applications Manager opens in a new window.

  2. From the menu, click Applications > Application Platform.
  3. Expand Security, and click Teams. The Teams window opens.