Load stores composite service

BOPIS deployment accelerator configures a composite service LoadStores to load store organizations for the current Enterprise. The load store composite service calls the ManageOrganizationHierarchy and UpdateDistributionRule services.

The LoadStores service has following components:
  • File IO component that reads the input file provided in the component property.
  • Text Translator component that converts flat files to XML format.
  • Generic JMS component that reads each Organization element from the List above and passes it to composite service.
  • Composite Service component that contains multiple services that must be executed as part of a single service.

ManageOrganizationHierarchy Service

The ManageOrganizationHierarchy service has an API component that calls the manageOrganizationHierarchy API. The JMS component passes each Organization element as input to each service that is included in the composite service component. The ManageOrganizationHierarchy API uploads the stores provided as part of the input XML. A sample input file, called manageOrganizationHierarchy_input.xml.sample, is provided in the <OMS_Runtime>/resources directory.

Sample manageOrganizationHierarchy.xml
<Organization Operation="Manage" CatalogOrganizationCode="DEFAULT" InventoryKeptExternally="N" InventoryOrganiza-tionCode="DEFAULT" InventoryPublished="Y" LocaleCode="en_US_EST" 
    OrganizationCode="USStore1" OrganizationName="US Retail Store1" ParentOrganizationCode="DEFAULT" PrimaryEnter-priseKey="DEFAULT" RequiresChainedOrder="N">
    <CorporatePersonInfo AddressLine1="" AddressLine2="" City="" State="" ZipCode="" 
      LastName="" FirstName=""  Country="" DayPhone="" EMailID="" DayFaxNo="" />
    <Node ActivateFlag="Y" InterfaceType="YFX" InventoryType="TRACK" InventoryTracked="Y" NodeType="Store"/>
        <OrgRole RoleKey="SELLER"/>
        <OrgRole RoleKey="NODE"/>
<Organization Operation="Manage" CatalogOrganizationCode="DEFAULT" InventoryKeptExternally="N" InventoryOrganiza-tionCode="DEFAULT" InventoryPublished="Y" LocaleCode="en_US_EST" 
    OrganizationCode="USStore2" OrganizationName="US Retail Store2" ParentOrganizationCode="DEFAULT" PrimaryEnter-priseKey="DEFAULT" RequiresChainedOrder="N">
    <CorporatePersonInfo AddressLine1="" AddressLine2="" City="" State="" ZipCode="" 
      LastName="" FirstName=""  Country="" DayPhone="" EMailID="" DayFaxNo="" />
<Node ActivateFlag="Y" InterfaceType="YFX" InventoryType="TRACK" InventoryTracked="Y" NodeType="Store"/>
        <OrgRole RoleKey="SELLER"/>
        <OrgRole RoleKey="NODE"/>

UpdateDistributionRule Service

The UpdateDistributionRule service has following components:
  • The XSL Translator component that uses the createDistribution.xsl file provided in the component property and converts the input file from JMS to prepare the input for the createDistribution API. The XSL file is located in the <OMS_Runtime>/repository/xapi/template/merged/xsl/bopis directory.
  • The API component calls the createDistribution API that adds each ShipNode organization to the Distribution Group preconfigured by the BOPIS deployment accelerator.

Viewing the load stores composite service

To view the load stores composite, perform the following steps:
  1. From the Application Console menu, click Configuration > Launch Applications Manager. The Applications Manager opens in a new window.
  2. From the menu, click Applications > Application Platform.
  3. From the tree in the application rules side panel, double-click Process Modeling. The Process Modeling window displays in the work area.
  4. Select the General tab to view the corresponding process modeling tree for that base document type.
  5. In the Process Types swimlane, right-click on the General process type and choose Model Process. The Repository Details window and work area display for the process type.
  6. Choose the Service Definitions tab and expand the Load Stores service.