Specifies the userid whose spool files you want to display. The
userid can be a wildcard pattern. The wildcard pattern rules are explained in
Wildcard pattern matching.
DATE yyyy/mm/dd
Specifies the earliest creation date of the spool files you want
to display. Use the format yyyy/mm/dd, where:
yyyy. The year, which must be specified with
four digits.
mm. The month (01-12).
dd. The day of the month (01-31).
SIZE size
Specifies the minimum size of the spool files to display. The
size must be a number in bytes or suffixed with K for
kilobytes, M for megabytes, or G for
SVOL vol,vol,...,vol
Specifies the DASD volume serial number(s) of the spool volume(s) for selecting spool files. You
can specify up to eight volumes. The vol value can be a wildcard pattern.
SFID userid,splnbr
Specifies that you want to view the spool file contents in full-screen
mode and skip viewing the list of spool files. If SFID is
used with the MODE RDR operand, a copy of the spool
file contents are placed in your virtual reader. The userid cannot
contain wildcards. The splnbr is the 4-digit spool
file number. If the spool file number contains leading zeros, you
can abbreviate the number. For example, if the spool file number is
0003, you can specify 3.
Specifies that a copy of the current spool file is to be placed
on your virtual reader.
CLass cls
Specifies the reader file class. The default is class A.