Console data spaces
Operations Manager uses z/VM® data spaces to contain several types of output.
The data spaces may contain any of the following:
- Console output from a monitored user ID (for example, output sent to Operations Manager via SECUSER or OBSERVER).
- Combined views of console output defined in the DEFVIEW command.
- The Operations Manager log.
- Output and information related to the execution of schedules, machine monitors, spool monitors, event monitors, and the output from actions.
Use the VIEWCON command to look at any of these data spaces except the logging data space. You must use the VIEWLOG command to look at the Operations Manager log data space.
Table 1 lists reserved data space names and the corresponding execution type.
Execution type | Data space name |
Event monitors | _GOMEMON |
Idle monitors | _GOMIMON |
Log | _GOMALOG |
Machine monitors | _GOMMMON |
Output from actions | _GOMACTN |
Page space monitors | _GOMPMON |
Schedules | _GOMSCHD |
Spool monitors | _GOMSMON |